014. A Generous Woman

She had a lot of money. She was a generous woman. She was once poor. She understood what it was like. She wanted to help out.

On Christmas day, she handed out food to the poor. She made the food herself. She put a turkey leg, a scoop of mashed potatoes, and peas on a plate. She gave the plate to each homeless person she saw.

The homeless people loved her. One homeless man even gave her a penny. She said to keep it for himself. She decided to do more. She gave $50 to every homeless person she saw. She felt good.

▪ a lot (of) | lots (of): muito, muitos
▪ generous: generoso
▪ once: uma vez, assim que, uma vez, já
▪ herself: se, si, ela mesma (pronome reflexivo)
▪ scoop: escavar, dar uma colherada
▪ pea: ervilha
▪ homeless: sem-teto

➕ Extra Vocabulary
▪ by herself: sozinha, ela mesma
— She shouldn’t walk home by herself.
— She fixed the bike herself.

1Credit: Eslfast