037. Wear It, Return It

Jacqueline had an event to go to. It was a reunion with her high school classmates. Everyone would be there. She wanted to look great and impress them.

She bought an expensive dress. It was red and sparkly. It cost $500. She was planning to keep the tag on because she wanted to return it after the reunion.

She went to the reunion. Everyone looked at her. She stood out. Everyone was dressed in pants and shirts. Someone was even wearing pajamas.

Jacqueline felt embarrassed. People complimented her though. She tried to forget about it. She started talking to her old classmates.

Then, she felt a cold splash on her. Someone had accidentally spilled cranberry juice on her! She could not return the dress anymore.

▪ accidentally: acidentalmente
▪ compliment: elogio, cumprimentar, felicitar, parabenizar
▪ cranberry: oxicoco, cranberry
▪ embarrass: constranger
▪ event: evento, evento, acontecimento
▪ impress: impressionar, causar boa impressão (em)
▪ juice: suco
▪ pajamas, pyjamas (US): pijamas
▪ reunion: reunião
▪ spill: derramar, cair
▪ splash: espirrar, salpico, salpicar, som de algo caindo ou se movendo na água
▪ tag: etiqueta

1Credit: Eslfast