079. A Free Pretzel Day

Today at work, they were giving away free pretzels. They had a free pretzel day to reward all the workers. They were all excited. Everyone loved the free pretzels. They had different types of pretzels. They had cinnamon pretzels. They had salt pretzels. They had plain pretzels.

The most popular were the salt pretzels. They also had toppings. You could add chocolate. You could also add almonds and icing. The pretzels made everyone motivated to work. After the pretzel, everyone was energized. The Pretzel Day was a big success.

▪ almond: amêndoa
▪ chocolate: chococolate
▪ cinnamon: canela
▪ energize (US), energise (UK): energético
▪ icing: mistura doce usada para cobrir ou encher bolos, feitos de açúcar e água ou açúcar e manteiga e essência aromatizante.
▪ icing sugar: açúcar de confeiteiro
▪ motivate: motivar
▪ plain: sem graça, claro, simples, evidente, planície
▪ popular: popular
▪ pretzel: pretzel: um biscoito salgado duro que foi cozido especialmente em formas de palito ou nó
▪ reward: recompensa, recompensar
▪ salt: sal, salgar
▪ success: sucesso, êxito
▪ topping: cobertura, recheio, molho

1Credit: Eslfast