082. Dog-Sitting

Teresa’s neighbors were out of town. They had two dogs. One was a German shepherd. The other was a terrier. They told Teresa that they would be gone for three days, and asked her if she could watch their dogs. Teresa agreed. She loved dogs.

She went over the next day. She brought the dogs back to her house. She fed them and played with them. Later she walked the dogs. They walked around the block and then went to the park.

She took them to play with other dogs. Teresa had fun taking care of the dogs. Her neighbors came back. They thanked Teresa. They brought Teresa a gift from their vacation.

▪ agree = estar de acordo, colocar-se de acordo, consentir
▪ block = quarteirão, bloco, prédio, bloquear, obstruir, entupir, impedir (passagem)
▪ bring = trazer
▪ feed = alimentar
▪ German Shepherd = Pastor Alemão
▪ gift = presente, dom
▪ neighbor (US), neighbour (UK) = vizinho(a)
▪ vacation = férias
▪ watch = olhar, observar, assistir, tomar cuidado (com), relógio de pulso, sentinela, vigia

🧩 Phrasal Verb
➖ agree with something = pensar que algo está moralmente certo, concordar com algo
↳ I don’t agree with hunting.

➖ block something up = preencher um espaço estreito com algo para que nada possa passar, bloquear algo, entupir algo
↳ In autumn, leaves block up the drains.
↳ I’ve got a blocked-up nose.

➖ watch out = cuidado!
↳ Watch out! There’s a car coming!

1Credit: Eslfast