029. The Acne Problem

While most teenagers had acne, a condition where one gets a lot of pimples, Melinda had great skin. Her skin was perfectly smooth with no flaws whatsoever.

She thinks she got her smooth skin from her parents. She also might have smooth skin because she drinks a lot of water.

Having acne is tough because teenagers care a lot about their appearance and what other people think of them.

Having acne can cause people to feel bad about themselves, shy away from others, and not go out.

Melinda doesn’t have this problem, but her sister, Ivana, does. Ivana didn’t understand why she had acne, because no one in her family had it.

Ivana ate fairly healthy, too. She felt like she was just unlucky. Because of her acne, Ivana felt insecure about herself.

It was hard for her to be confident. She always tried to avoid attention. She barely talked to anyone.

Ivana decided to try ProActiv because she kept seeing it on TV. It ended up improving her skin. It was less red and bumpy.

Meanwhile, Melinda got her very first pimple, and it was on the day of her big speech in class! It was horrible timing. That’s the thing about pimples though, they just appear out of nowhere!

▪ acne: acne
▪ avoid: evitar, eximir-se de | avoidance: impedimento, abstenção, ato de evitar
▪ barely: apenas, mal
▪ bumpy: esburacado, acidentado
▪ confident: confiante, seguro
▪ fairly: razoavelmente, imparcialmente
▪ flaw: defeito, defeito
▪ improve: melhorar
▪ insecure: inseguro
▪ pimple: espinha
▪ skin: pele, casca, pele
▪ smooth: alisar, tranquilo, liso, suave
▪ tough: duro, difícil, forte, resistente

1Credit: Eslfast