077. He decided to Hire Her

Emily was unemployed. She had been looking for a job for over 6 months now. Everyone was surprised that she still did not have a job.

She graduated from a top university with honors. She was likable and did a lot of volunteer work related to environmental awareness.

Emily has done many interviews, but it never went right. She knew she was a pretty good interviewee. It’s just that the jobs she applied for were really competitive. She was no longer the best like she was in college. She was average.

A couple of months later, Emily found a job opening at an environmental law firm. She discovered that her classmate from high school, Chris Smith, was the hiring director. She has not talked to him since the end of high school, but they were good friends during high school.

She decided to give him a call. She told him that she majored in Environmental Science in college and that she was interested in the Law Assistant position.

Chris was upset that she only called him because she was interested in the job. “No! I also wanted to hear how you’re doing, too,” Emily said. “Yeah right. Well, I’m definitely not hiring you. So don’t even try,” he said. Emily applied anyway. When Chris came across her application, he scoffed.

But then he looked at her application and noticed that her resume was very impressive. She did well in school and she did a lot of work in the environmental science field. He decided to hire her.

▪ assistant: assistente
▪ average: médio, média
▪ awareness: consciência, conscientização
▪ competitive: competitivo
▪ environmental: ambiental
▪ firm: firme, severo, definitivo
▪ graduate: licenciado, graduado, formar-se, graduar-se
▪ impressive: impressionante
▪ interviewee: entrevistado
▪ law: direito, lei
▪ no longer: não mais
▪ position: posição
▪ related to: relacionado a
▪ resume: recomeçar
▪ science: ciência
▪ scoff (UK), scarf (US): comer muito rapidamente, traçar, acabar com…, zombar de alguém ou de algo
▪ upset: aborrecido, chateado, aborrecer, chatear
▪ volunteer: oferecer-se, prontificar-se, ser voluntário, voluntário

Extra Vocabulary
➖ a sales/shop assistant (UK) = balconista, vendedor, -ora, atendente

➖ on average = em média
Ex. On average, people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

➖ firmness = firmeza
➖ firmly = firmemente
➖ scarf (UK) = lenço

1Credit: Eslfast